Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"I'm just gonna break down and do my site as a blog"- that's what I've been threatening to do for the past 6 months, so here it is- my new studio website. I can upload vids and music a lot more efficiently, plus share different session tricks with everybody. The main banner picture is of Sam Baker on guitar, and my son Aaron behind the drums, practicing for their first album- calledGodspeed, Godspeed, and name of their band is "The Great Flood Catastrophe".


Lovewar, Sept.,1996- in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Here are a few pics from the last "official" gig that Lovewar played- what great fun, so relaxed- and in front of the biggest crowds we had ever performed in front of- around 30,000 on Friday and 55,000 on Saturday.